Pelvic Health
Explore more about pelvic health

Back pain is very common during pregnancy.

It's important to deal with your C-section scar after birth. It can help prevent infection, reduce pain, improve healing and minimize scarring.

An episiotomy is a minor surgery that widens the opening of the vagina during childbirth.

A lubricant is a gel or liquid applied when you are having sex to reduce friction. A moisturizer can help to increase moisture and elasticity

Many people are told to do Kegel exercises to help them with urinary leakage or after giving birth.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is when an organ drops out of its place . It is very common, especially in women who have had children.

Being physically active daily is so important for body, heart, mind and spirit, as well as your growing baby!

Gentle and very, very gradual physical activity is recommended after giving birth.

Resume sexual activities when you feel you are ready physically, mentally and emotionally.

Urinary incontinence is any involuntary loss of urine.

Pelvic Health physiotherapists specialize in the pelvic region - the area and organs around and inside our pelvis.
Pelvic Health Team

The Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Team is dedicated to helping Eeyou/Eenou achieve miyupimaatisiiun reflective of Nishiiyuu.