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Air quality: How to make an indoor air purifier

The effect of wildfire smoke on air quality

Forest fires have a big effect on air quality, both outdoors and indoors. Smoke from forest fires can enter buildings and your home through ventilation systems, windows and doors.  

Not only does forest fire smoke smell, it can carry tiny particles that are harmful for our health, especially people with breathing issues or chronic conditions.

VIDEO: What is a homemade air purifier, and why would I need one?

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2 other things you can do to improve the quality of indoor air

Did you know?

During episodes of wildfire smoke it’s important to:

  1. seal windows and doors
  2. adjust heating and air conditioning to recirculate

Store-bought air filters

  • Use a store-bought home air purifier with a HEPA filter. If you can find a purifier with a HEPA filter, make sure it’s certified by the American Home Appliance Association.  

There are often shortages of HEPA air purifiers for sale. Waiting lists and stock depletion are common. An option is to build your own air purifier with materials available at the hardware store for about $100 CAD. 

Homemade air filters

  • Homemade air purifiers aren’t as effective as HEPA filters. BUT: they will improve indoor quality in your home, and help protect the health of your family and you.  

Follow these instructions to build an air purifier called the “Corsi-Rosenthal box”. (It was designed by engineers Richard Corsi and Jim Rosenthal during the COVID-19 pandemic). 

VIDEO: Instructions to build a homemade air purifier

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VIDEO: How to build your indoor air purifier

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VIDEO: More recommendations for cleaner air

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