Food safety at camp

Tips when gathering and preparing wild game
Do not use lead shot or bullets
Cut 4 inches around the bullet wound channel
Wild animals must have their bellies gutted and/or plucked as soon as possible
Gut the animal with a clean knife
Disinfect your tools with rubbing alcohol (70%), an open flame, boiling water, food-grade sanitizer or a bleach and water solution
Rinse with clean water and air dry
Do not wipe knives on your clothes
Do not reuse dirty rags
Knives should be cleaned between each animal in case one animal is sick
Cook food thoroughly
Birds can carry diseases
Did you know?
Do not eat birds that show signs of:
- Abnormal inflammation (red swelling)
- Pus at mouth, eyes, ears, bill, anus, and/or
- Internal organs that have an unusual appearance (like white dots, strange coloring, or an abnormal size)
Having access to fresh water is really important.
Boil your drinking water for one minute.
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Avian flu (also known as H5N1) is a flu virus that mostly affects wild birds and poultry, and can lead to illness and death.

Switching to lead-free ammunition helps keep our families, environment, and meechum healthy.

Clean your camp to stay healthy.