What is it?
Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that addresses issues with mental health. Psychiatrists are medical doctors specializing in mental health. The Psychiatry program, with two adult psychiatrists, five mental health nurses, and two mental health liaison nurses, provides counselling and prescribes and monitors medications for people living with a mental illness.
Who is it for?
Psychiatry is for anyone struggling with their mental health. This includes people experiencing depression, severe anxiety, schizophrenia, trauma, and/or substance abuse. Counselling and therapy sessions can also include family members.
Where is it offered?
You can receive psychiatry services either in person or by telehealth at your CMC, or in Montreal at the Douglas Institute.
What is it like?
For your first meeting, we will talk about your experiences and symptoms to better understand the causes of your mental suffering. We will then make a plan together to address it, with your consent. This plan can include psychotherapy, medication, referral to treatment programs, lifestyle changes or alternative treatments. The psychiatrist can also discuss other options with you, including follow ups with a mental health nurse or psychologist. If needed, a Cree interpreter will be provided.
In follow-up appointments, we will review how you are feeling and how the treatment plan is going. We can make changes as needed.
How long does it last?
The first meeting usually lasts 1-2 hours. Follow-up meetings can last up to an hour. The number of appointments and the time between appointments varies, depending on your needs.
How can I get this service?
To be referred to a psychiatrist, speak with a doctor or nurse at your CMC.
Where can I learn more?
To learn more, you can talk to your CMC nurse or physician.
Explore more
Maanuuhiikuu offers culturally safe mental health services that follow two healing paths: a traditional approach and a cli