General Internal Medicine
What is it?
General Internal Medicine (GIM) doctors are specialists on all parts of the body and provide care for chronic diseases such as heart disease, liver disease, inflammatory arthritis, diabetes and hypertension.
Who is it for?
GIM doctors treat people with complex chronic disease and patients whose family doctors ask for help in diagnosing and treating a specific condition.
Where is it offered?
GIM services are currently offered in person in Chisasibi and Mistissini. After the first visit, some patients can be seen via telemedicine from any community.
What is it like?
The treatment plan will be different for everyone as GIM doctors see patients for a wide range of medical issues.
Generally, you will be seen first by a nurse, who will take your height, weight and blood pressure. You will then be seen by the doctor, who will address the medical questions you and your family doctor have. As part of this process, you will be asked questions and examined. Your previous lab tests and imaging tests will also be reviewed.
After the initial assessment, the need for treatments or more tests will be discussed with you. You will also be able to ask any questions you have.
How long does it last?
The first visit typically lasts about 30 minutes; follow-up visits are usually shorter.
How can I get this service?
Your family doctor will refer you to a General Internal Medicine physician if you need this specialized treatment.
Where can I learn more?
To learn more, talk to your family doctor, nurse, or diabetes educator.