CBHSSJB is saddened to learn of the passing of Edna Neeposh Awashish
The Board of Directors is saddened to learn of the passing of Edna Neeposh Awashish and sends sincere condolences to Edna’s family and many friends.

The Board recognizes and acknowledges the work of Edna in the early stages of the CBHSSJB.

When the CBHSSJB was created in 1978, Edna was a member on the Provisional Board as Director of Inland Services in 1978-1980.
Edna later became the first member on the Board of Directors to represent her community of Mistissini in 1980.
As a gesture of much respect, the Board of Directors observed a minute of silence during its meeting in Mistissini at 1:15pm on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 in her memory.
Meegwetch Edna for your immeasurable contribution to the CBHSSJB.