Youth Protection
Calvin Hester, Regional Coordinator of the Youth Protection Department talks about how situations are reported to, and assessed by Youth Protection workers in Eeyou Istchee
What is it?
The Department of Youth Protection aims to ensure the safety of all children under 18 years of age in Eeyou Istchee.
If you believe that a child is at risk, do not hesitate to call the Youth Protection 24/7 Hotline. The workers answering this hotline speak Cree as well as English and French. The worker will ask for your name and contact information as the person filing the report, but this information will remain confidential.
Who is it for?
The Department of Youth Protection is there to protect youth by acting in situations where a child:
- is abandoned;
- is neglected;
- is psychologically abused;
- is sexually abused;
- is physically abused;
- presents serious behavioral problems;
- is at severe risk of being neglected or sexually or physically abused.
Where is it offered?
Youth Protection supports youth throughout Eeyou Istchee.
How does it work?
When Youth Protection receives a call describing a situation in which a child or youth is believed to be at risk, the local Youth Protection team assesses the situation to determine whether or not the youth’s security or development are being threatened. If the youth’s security or development are determined to be in danger, the Youth Protection worker is legally required to step in and to decide on measures to protect the child and prevent the endangering circumstances from reoccurring.
How can I access this service?
If you believe that a child is at risk, do not hesitate to call the Youth Protection Hotline.
Where can I learn more?
The Quebec Government has published two brochures that provide helpful information:
“When and How to File a Report” explains the process of filing a report on children at risk.
“Your child’s situation has been reported to the DYP” is mainly for parents whose child has been reported. The brochure goes over each step in the DYP intervention process in plain language. It also includes information on the rights of parents and children.
Anyone can call the Youth Protection Hotline if they believe a child is at risk.
Youth Protection phone numbers
Youth Protection - Regional 1800
Chisasibi Youth Protection
Eastmain Youth Protection
Mistissini Youth Protection
Nemaska Youth Protection
Oujé-Bougoumou Youth Protection
Waskaganish Youth Protection
Waswanipi Youth Protection
Wemindji Youth Protection
Whapmagoostui Youth Protection
interim Director of Youth Protection