Aashukan Services (Waswanipi)
What is it?
Aashukan Services (Waswanipi) is a family, home and community-like environment for semi-autonomous individuals (individuals with loss of personal autonomy and increased healthcare and psychosocial needs).
The Aashukan Services fall under the mandate of the SAPA department with an aim to create beautiful family, home and community like environment for semi-autonomous individuals (individuals with loss of personal autonomy and increased healthcare and psychosocial needs).
It is a partnership between the Cree Health Board, Cree Nation of Waswanipi and their respective contributors.
Where is it offered?
The semi-autonomous home is located at 3 West Aspen, Waswanipi.
What is the admission process like?
Every person requesting admission will have a designated case manager who will take care of the admission process.
What are the services provided?
- Regular medical visits
- Continued care by health care professionals (Including nursing care)
- 24/7 assistance (bathing, dressing, taking meals…)
- Meals and nutritional support
- Cultural and traditional activities, leisure and games
- Laundry and housekeeping
- Security
What to bring and what is provided
- Medicare card, hospital cards (if applicable)
- Clothing and outerwear for 4 seasons
- Electric razor (if applicable)
- Quilt
- Wall decorations
- Family pictures
- Radio
- Music (CDs, CD player, MP3 player…)
- Hygiene supplies (shampoo, soap, toothpaste)
- Bring your own favorite items: shampoo, soap, toothpaste, cream, perfume, deodorant, perfume, nail polish, makeup…
- Medications
- TV in the living-room
- Telephone shared by everyone

You will be able to visit your loved one according to the directives in place.