Reduced services at Wemindji CMC until October
Due to a shortage of staff, Wemindji CMC is offering reduced service until the end of October. If you require medical services, please call the CMC to book an appointment. No walk-ins.
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Photo: Katherine Dehm
Wemindji CMC
CMC is accepting clients by appointment only. Please respect appointment schedules. Clients need to call before coming to the CMC.
For clients that require pharmacy services; no refills on FRIDAY.
For EMERGENCIES after hours and weekends; call:
Nurse on-call: 819-978-0225 (dial 1)
Emergency Workers: 1-800-409-6884
Wiichihiiwaauwin Helpline: 1-833-632-4357
Info-Santé: 811
Wemindji CMC
Wemindji CMC
Wemindji MSDC
MSDC is offering regular services.