Foster Family Appreciation Week 2022
The CBHSSJB is proud to celebrate the Foster Family Appreciation Week across the Eeyou Istchee. This event is dedicated to all foster families who open their homes to vulnerable community members in need of homes.

A special message from the Coordinator of Foster Services, the Deputy Chief of Chisasibi and the Grand Chief of the Cree Nation Government
The Cree Foster Care Resources Program helps ensure that elders and children alike have the chance to remain on Cree territory, eliminating the risks that come with being uprooted. For this reason, we want to show our immense gratitude to those who help keep Eeyou Istchee strong.
This October, we will be celebrating foster families with events in the following communities:
- Oujé-Bougoumou
Wednesday Oct 12
- Waswanipi
Thursday Oct. 13
- Chisasibi
Monday Oct 17
- Mistissini
Tuesday Oct 25
Other communities will celebrate Foster Family Appreciation Week between January and March of 2023.
You can stay up-to-date by following #FFAW on social media.

Did you know?
- Caring and supporting each other has always been part of Cree culture, long before a formal system of foster parenting was in place.
- Cree people always took care of those in need both out of a strong sense of community and tradition.
It is how the Cree Nation has been able to survive over thousands of years. This responsibility is formalized through the Cree Foster Care Resources Program.
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Cree Foster Care Resources Program is designed to provide a safe and secure home environment for all in need of a foster home.

Fostering is challenging work, but offers foster parents a meaningful and rewarding experience.