Call for Tender : Snow Removal Services at Chisasibi Regional Hospital
The Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay is seeking quotations for winter maintenance work at the facilities of the Chisasibi Reginal Hospital. The work involves snow removal and the spreading of sand.
The services we are looking for will be complementary to our actual equipment capacity. The contract is from November 12, 2024, to April 30, 2025 winter season. The list of sites identified to carry out the work is provided below in this document. The Chisasibi Hospital premises plus the trailers behind the hospital will require clearing of snow on the premises and driveways for the safety of the staff and clientele.
Zones that are indicated in the attached map and the Contractor needs to have the snow cleared and removed by 7 a.m. on weekdays, weekends, and statutory holidays and spread sand when required. Plie snow for easy accessibility for hauling and avoid pilling the snow near the main road to eliminate the risk of accidents. We will need services to be provided as soon as the snow reaches 5 inches on the ground, 24 hours a day. The Contractor shall be the holder and maintain in effect during the total duration of the contract a third-party liability insurance policy of the minimum sum of 2 million dollars.
The contractor must submit a bid that includes:
• A loader operated to clear the snow or any equipment that can perform such a task.
• Dump truck operated to haul away the snow.
• Equipment that will be used for spreading sand.
• The description of the equipment and its capacity (bucket size for loaders and box size for hauling trucks) must be included with the quotation.
• Your hourly rates must include all costs i.e. operator cost, fuel, maintenance, administration, and profit.
• No additional administration fees will be accepted on the invoices unless primarily approved by an order of change.
The quotation must be accompanied with a certificate of conformity with CNESST, Quebec Ministry of Revenue and proof of insurance for the activity of snow removal. Your quotation must be received by November 13, 2024 at 4 PM at the Chisasibi Regional Hospital located at Administration office located at 21A Maamuu Rd, in a sealed envelope.
If you have any questions about the call for tender or the submission process, please contact us at 819-855-5402.
The Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay reserves the right to cancel this tender if it receives only one bid.