The Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay is honoured to be featured in season 2 of the documentary series Sur
Women aged 50-74 in Eeyou Istchee can now access breast cancer screening through the provincial program or Clara Bus mobile unit.
Save the date for Clara Bus Breast Cancer Screening in Waskaganish.
Save the date for Clara Bus Breast Cancer Screening in Nemaska.
Syphilis is a contagious bacterial infection that is mostly transmitted through sexual contact.
The Cree Board of Health and Social Services would like to recognize and celebrate our medical Imaging Technologists in Chisasibi and Mistissini du
Cree Leucoencephalopathy (CLE) and Cree Encephalitis (CE) are diseases which are passed from parent to child.
Cancer screening can help you or a loved one detect cancer early.
On August 2, 2021, Public Health detected a low signal of the COVID-19 coronavirus during a regular screening test of sewage in Chisasibi.
Sewage testing is a early-warning system to detect Covid-19 in communities.