Rene-Yves Cantin, Coordinator Current Services Mistissini CMC
The Director of Mistissini CMC is pleased to announce the nomination of René-Yves Cantin as Coordinator of Current Services, Mistissini CMC.

René-Yves has joined the CBH since 2000. Since then, he has worked mainly as a Dispensary Nurse in various communities. He worked in this capacity for six years in Chisasibi, two years in
Wemindji, four years in Oujé-Bougoumou, five years in Waswanipi. René has also worked in Mistissini for the last seven years.
Prior to joining the CBH, René-Yves served in the emergency and intensive care at Lachute Hospital.
René-Yves is a dynamic and resourceful professional with dependable ability to develop trust relationships with stakeholders. His work experience during COVID pandemic has prepared him to efficiently handle services delivered at the community level. These include crisis interventions, pre-hospital and emergency services, among others.
René-Yves Cantin holds a DEC in Nursing Care from St-Jérôme CEGEP. He took up his position on July 29, 2024.