COVID-19 Info-Line Automated To Improve Service
The COVID-19 Info-Line now operates through an automated system to direct calls. Callers can choose from a menu of 4 options to get updated information about resources related to COVID-19.
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- The Info-Line is staffed Monday to Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM.
- There is no option to leave a voicemail outside regular hours.
How Does the Info-Line Work?
The COVID-19 Info-Line now operates through an automated system to better direct calls to the right resources.
Callers can choose from a menu of 4 options to get updated information about the following topics:
- Mental health support
- Isolation (medical and travel), isolation support services, rapid tests
- General COVID-19 Information (provided by members of the Info-Line team)
- General vaccination information
How Can The COVID-19 Info-Line Help?
- Direct you to community and social resources related to COVID-19
- Connect you to an Info-Line team member who can help you find updated COVID-19 information on the Cree Health Board website and social media channels
- Connect you directly to the Wiichihiiwaauwin Help-Line (1-833-632-4357)
- Lifting medical isolation
- Test results (negative or positive)
- Scheduling appointments for COVID-19 tests
- Emergency support
- Medical advice (people can consult 811 for non-emergency health questions, or the CMC)
- Contact tracing
- After-hour contacts in your community
- Requests for letters to employers
- HR support (please consult your organization’s HR department)
- Information for Health Care Professionals (Please consult your COVID-19 lead)
Wiichihiiwaauwin (Mental Health) Helpline
Wiichihiiwaauwin (Mental Health) Helpline
Service available 24/7. Cree speakers and Elders are available upon request