Bush Camp Safety during COVID-19
Because of COVID-19 and its variants:
- Anyone coming from an Area of Risk should be tested for COVID-19 on Day 1, 3, and 5 after their return. This testing is part of Step 3 of the deconfinement management plan.
- Testing is also recommended for people before they travel to their bush camps.
- People are required to wear a mask during airlift (by plane or helicopter).
The COVID-19 virus can spread fast. To prevent an outbreak in a camp:
- Get vaccinated, or update your vaccines and boosters before heading out to camp.
- Respect physical distancing (2 metres/6 feet) from people not staying at your camp).
- Wear a mask around people you don't live with, if your can't maintain physical distance
- Cough and sneeze into your elbow or tissue.
- Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer.
- Disinfect surfaces.
- Air out your cabin often.
It is everyone's priority to protect
- Be sure to have a box of medical masks in case someone develops symptoms.
- Pick up rapid test kits in your community to bring to camp. Find out where they are available from your Cree Nation council or PSO.
- Be cautious when visiting or entertaining guests who aren't part of your regular household.
- If you are attending a feast in the bush, wear a mask, keep your distance and wash/sanitize your hands often.
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Tips for what to do if someone shows COVID-19 symptoms at camp

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Prepare and use the medicine as recommended by traditional healers or knowledgeable people in your community.

Avian flu (also known as H5N1) is a flu virus that mostly affects wild birds and poultry, and can lead to illness and death.

Clean your camp to stay healthy.

Continue to use care and proper hygiene when handling and preparing our harvests.
Wiichihiiwaauwin (Mental Health) Helpline
Wiichihiiwaauwin (Mental Health) Helpline
Service available 24/7. Cree speakers and Elders are available upon request
Emergency numbers
Chisasibi Hospital Emergency Department
Chisasibi Hospital Emergency Department
Eastmain CMC
Eastmain CMC
Mistissini CMC
Mistissini CMC
Nemaska CMC
Nemaska CMC
Oujé-Bougoumou CMC
Oujé-Bougoumou CMC
Waskaganish CMC
Waskaganish CMC
Waswanipi CMC
Waswanipi CMC
Wemindji CMC
Wemindji CMC
Whapmagoostui CMC
Whapmagoostui CMC