Find your job @creehealth
Learn more about job opportunities at CBHSSJB.

Whether you are a nurse, a medical secretary, a housekeeper or a social worker, the CBHSSJB has a job for you! Use the search engine to find the job that's right for you.
To obtain the complete list of available jobs, do not select anything in the fields and simply click on "Search".
If there are no positions available in the desired job category, we invite you to send your application for possible needs in the UNSOLICITED APPLICATIONS section.
EXCEPTION: For positions as Doctors and Dentists, go to the section HIRING PROCESS FOR DOCTORS AND DENTISTS for more information.
Learn more about a particular job at CBHSSJB.
Don't see your job title? Please visit the ALL JOBS or UNSOLICITED APPLICATIONS section to find the job you want and submit your application.
Please note that the hiring process for doctors and dentists is different. Go to the HIRING PROCESS FOR DOCTORS AND DENTISTS section for more information.

We are actively recruiting nurses.

We are seeking full time pharmacists in Chisasibi, Waskaganish and Mistissini.

We are actively recruiting physiotherapists.

We are actively recruiting midwives.

We are actively recruiting community workers.

We are actively recruiting occupational therapists.

Didn't find the job you were looking for in the ALL JOB OFFERS section? We are always interested in finding good candidates.
We invite you to fill out a form that matches your expertise by selecting from the list below.

Would you like to be notified by email when a new job corresponding to your expertise is added to our website?
Please fill out this short form indicating your field of interest.

CBHSSJB professionals attend numerous local events. These events are an excellent opportunity to meet our recruitment agents and health network experts.
They will be happy to answer your questions.
Please note that the hiring process for doctors and dentists is different.