Students and Residents may contact:
Department of Medical Affairs and Services (DMAS)
Students and Residents
Student Summer Job Program
Soutien aux régions pour le recrutement des omnipraticiens et spécialistes (SARROS)
This program gives medical students from across the province of Québec an opportunity to work for four to twelve weeks in the Cree communities during the summer. Students in premed, first or second year at McGill University, and students in the first, second, or third year at other medical faculties of Québec are eligible. Students enrolled in programs outside Québec are not eligible. Students are paid minimum wage to work 40 hours/week on various projects. Lodging, transport and food is covered. Apply directly to the CBHSSJB before March 1st of each year by contacting Consult the SARROS site for more information and to find out when information sessions are held in each university.
Rotations for Medical Students and Residents in Family Medicine
Québec medical students and family medicine residents can do a 1 or 2 month rural rotation in a Cree community, with lodging and food provided by the CBHSSJB. The rotations are accredited by the Collège des Médecins du Québec. McGill medical students must contact the McGill Electives office at (Phone: 514-398-5390) at least 3 months in advance. Students from other universities will need to get the rotation approved by their university.
Residents must apply through their respective Department of Family Medicine.
Explore more

Dr. Kevin Brousseau is the second Cree physician to work at the CBHSSJB taking care of his own people. He shares his journey into medicine and encourages the young people of Eeyou Istchee to join him…