Eeyou Intihkuiin (traditional medicine)
Animal fat (bear, goose, etc...) has various uses and healing properties.

Boil medicine to clean the air
Did you know?
To cleanse the air in your cabin, you can boil medicine during the day.
For details, please refer to these traditional medicines.

Sage is one of our sacred medicines growing in Eeyou Istchee and other regions

Sweetgrass is one of our sacred medicines, symbolizing healing and peace

The White Spruce is a large coniferous evergreen tree that can be found in Whapmagoostui and along the coast

The Tamarack has important medicinal uses.Its boughs, bark (and bare branches in fall and winter) can be used to make tea
If available, use as recommended by traditional healers or other knowledgeable people in your community.